The project is divided in 8 technical work-packages and 2 management work-packages, undergoing throughout the 3 years of the project implementation (From December 2018 to November 2021).

Leader: European University Institute (EUI) Italy

WP 1 will map global governance practices, regimes, processes and partnerships as well as their development over time. For this purpose, the work package will deconstruct global governance approaches to identify essential elements that can be applied in different systemic and governance contexts. It will also contextualise global governance practice by identifying essential development and delivery components and patterns. Generating knowledge on how evidence for the effectiveness and efficiency of modes of global governance is provided, WP 1 will take stock of measurement and assessment tools for global governance instruments and their implementation. WP 1 will pay particular attention to the quality of EU actorness in various global governance settings.

Leader: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Belgium

WP2 objectives are:

  • To analyse the governance of the European Union, and in particular its various modes both when dealing with internal policies, and in its external dimension, in particular its interaction with global governance settings. Both angles are of utmost importance for TRIGGER, since we assume that: (i) the degree of integration of the EU changes across policy fields (so-called differentiated integration), and this in turn can potentially affect the degree of influence and actorness of the EU when tackling global problem solving; and (ii) the EU voice in global governance changes depending on the nature of the policy issue and the overall institutional context, as also highlighted in WP1.
  • To understand existing and upcoming trends in EU governance at the macro, meso and micro level.
  • To integrate our dataset on global governance and international regulatory cooperation with a dataset on EU governance configurations, thus providing the second pillar of the full AGGREGATOR dataset (to be tested and completed in WP3).

Leader: Freie University (FUB). Germany

WP3 objectives are:

  • To analyse the current crisis of global governance, with specific emphasis on the current rise of populist, protectionist and regionalist stances. This objective is also aimed at providing inputs to WP5 and WP6, where methods such as sentiment analysis and public engagement will be deployed.
  • To explore the EU’s role in global governance, with emphasis on selected cases of global international organizations (e.g. NATO, IMF, OSCE, UN), as well as global regulatory cooperation (e.g. mutual recognition agreements, plurilateral trade agreements, global standardisation activities and institutions).
  • To analyse the interrelations between EU governance arrangements and global governance decision-making and outcomes, and more specifically between specific aspects of EU multi-level governance at the macro, meso and micro levels and various aspects of global governance and international regulatory cooperation.
  • To develop short case studies, through which to develop a better understanding of how changes in governance on either the global side, or the EU side have affected outcomes.
  • To develop a framework for the evaluation of the actorness and influence of the European Union in global governance decisions.
  • To test the framework with non-state actors and non-EU partners, in order to pave the way for a constructive dialogue on future tools that TRIGGER will develop (COCTEAU and PERSEUS).
  • To develop the AGGREGATOR database, which incorporates the atlas developed under WP1 and the database developed under WP2 to enable an evaluation of EU’s actorness and influence in a variety of global governance contexts.

Leader: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

WP4 will analyse new developments and current trends in the governance of and by multiple emerging technologies and examine how those technologies contribute to shaping the EU policy agenda and new modes of governance. It will consider specific challenges and develop policy recommendations in the fields of open source software, distributed ledger (blockchain) technologies, and artificial intelligence. Its

Leader: Fraunhofer ISI, Germany

WP5 will conduct a series of foresight workshops aligned to build robust, future-oriented analysis through broad stakeholder inclusion. Participation of actors both internal and external to the project consortium will be essential in creating useful products for developing short-, medium-, and long-term strategies. Through inclusive, co-generative processes that are grounded in the research products from WP1-4, this work package will result in highly differentiated scenarios that examine distinct permutations of development across the identified social, political, economic, environmental, and technological factors that influence action (or in-action) within global governance.

Leader: Politecnico di Milano (Polimi), Italy

WP 6 will look at the deployment of the EU mission-oriented innovation policy as the perfect testbed to create and test new ways of engaging citizens and stakeholders: it spans country borders, it has significant regulatory implications, it provides significant complexity (because of the subject of science and research, which is often obscure to people and because of the novelty of the policy itself), and it is a pressing need that urges to be addressed by the Commission for the success of this new policy.

Leader: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Belgium

The objective of WP7 is to test the ability of new tools such as AGGREGATOR, COCTEAU and ultimately PERSEUS to inspire strategies for key global governance challenges. The need to test these tools in a variety of global governance contexts will lead the TRIGGER consortium to select at least four different “Deep Dives”, of which two are already known (COP21 and Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs) and two will be selected at a later stage.

Leader: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Belgium

The objective of WP8 is to develop and test an integrated toolkit for participatory and strategic decision-making at the EU level (PERSEUS – Public Engagement for Responsive and Shared European Union Strategies), which incorporates the various tools developed in WP5 and WP6 and tested during the deep dives in WP7. This tool will incorporate the AGGREGATOR database, the COCTEAU app, a module on AI-powered sentiment analysis, and the information and tools developed in all other WPs of the project.

Leader: Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI), Portugal

WP9 objectives are:

  • To disseminate as widely as possible, and also in a targeted way to selected audiences, the main findings of the TRIGGER project, as well as the tools that the project will develop.
  • To communicate effectively the added value of TRIGGER for decision-making, by providing information materials, published in paper or online, in both technical and non-technical language, particularly focused in describing the new findings that an extensive use of datasets such as AGGREGATE and COCTEAU can generate.

Leader: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Belgium

The overall objective of this work package is to ensure and monitor that the project objectives are met with high quality, on schedule and within the budget by ensuring the smooth and successful execution of the project, its work packages, tasks, and deliverables.