Atlas of Global Governance REGulation and Europe’s AcTORness

AGGREGATOR stands for ‘Atlas of Global Governance REGulation and Europe’s AcTORness’. It is the TRIGGER project’s online database, which offers access to the datasets on global and EU governance developed in TRIGGER on:

  • Existing global governance regimes, tools and approaches (available online mid-2021);
  • International Regulatory Cooperation (available online mid-2021);
  • Transnational private regulatory regimes (available online mid-2021);
  • Measuring global governance instruments (available online in October 2020);
  • EU differentiated integration (available online mid-2021);
  • EU governance arrangements per policy area, including associated impact assessments (available online mid-2021);
  • Implementation and enforcement mechanisms within EU multi-level governance (available online mid-2021)

During 2021, AGGREGATOR is work-in-progress as it is developed in several steps. The final full online version of AGGREGATOR will be publicly available mid-2021. The technical development of TRIGGER AGGREGATOR benefits from the long-standing experience of GlobalStat at the Global Governance Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute and its cooperation with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

TRIGGER AGGREGATOR is based on GlobalStat’s cooperation with the OECD on the development of new data management and visualisation software and online tools. It has been developed based on GlobalStat for TRIGGER. The outcome of this cooperation combines state-of-the-art SDMX techniques for automated statistical data updates with advanced data visualisation tools and offers innovative options for the comparison of data across policy areas.

AGGREGATOR functions as the central data repository of the datasets developed by the TRIGGER consortium, meaning that files will be downloadable from the website and that text will explain the content of the datasets. Moreover, data from the datasets will be transferred into dynamic data visualisations to display certain parts of data. Finally, another part of the data visualisation will summarise research results on EU actorness and effectiveness.

In its final online version, the left hand navigation menu bar will display three main themes: Data Repository, Data Visualisation, and EU in Global Governance. Underneath the first level of themes, there will be subthemes that will offer data visualisations and analysis.

AGGREGATOR is available here:

The app COCTEAU – Co-Creating the European Union aims to be an experimental tool for public engagement. The development of COCTEAU will have as main partners a core team of POLIMI (leader), FRA, CEPS and ISINNOVA and will be tested within the Mission Oriented Innovation Policies of the EU.

COCTEAU is available here: 

An integrated toolkit for participatory and strategic decision-making at the EU level, called PERSEUS –  Public Engagement for Responsive and Shared European Union Strategies, will be created. It incorporates the various tools developed in WP5 and WP6 and will be tested during the deep dives in WP7. This tool will incorporate the AGGREGATOR database, the COCTEAU app, a module on AI-powered sentiment analysis, and the information and tools developed in all other WPs of the project.

PERSEUS is available here:

The Permanent Observatory for Public Engagement (POPE) keeps an eye on the evolution of theories and tools for engagement, with a special focus on large-scale engagements, such as in making global decisions. POPE is part of the TRIGGER project, which is aimed at providing EU institutions with the knowledge and tools to enhance their actorness, effectiveness and influence in global governance; and to develop new ways to harness the potential of public engagement and participatory foresight in complex governance decisions.

The purpose of POPE is to ensure that the TRIGGER project leverages the most updated knowledge and applications regarding public engagement. Given the continuous evolution of the field, POPE is designed to signal advancements that are likely  to occur over the course of the TRIGGER project and beyond. The observatory will deliver quarterly maps (the COCTEAU Quarterly Landscape) showing the evolution of the field and focusing  on topical areas. The intention is to progressively build a community of purpose, starting with the core network of members of the TRIGGER project, and then reaching out to include policy makers, scholars and practitioners to debate EU actorness and governance issues.

POPE is not simply a new online ‘place’ from which to observe the world of public engagement practices. It is a mechanism – actually a piece of software – that helps to trigger public engagement at the right place and time, on the right issues and questions, with the right mix of people, in the right way, helping the POPE user to explore the resources and applications existing in the field for better design of the public engagement experience.