Global governance is facing increasing existential challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, fighting climate change and addressing geopolitical affairs. Amid this constantly changing context, the EU is called to strengthen its role as an actor of global governance. In a recent paper published by TRIGGER’s project partner CEPS – Centre for Political Studies, Ignacia Garcia Bercero (Director at the DG TRADE) and Kalpyso Nicolaïdis (Professor of International Relations and Director of the Centre for International Studies at Oxford University), have thematised the danger of simply relying on market-based influence – the so-called “Brussels effect[1]” – and have instead urged to use the EU’s power surplus in terms of trade and regulatory policies. In the view of the authors, the EU should follow its distinct philosophy of legal empathy in order to improve the regulatory compatibility between EU and foreign policy making, in the spirit of cooperation and harmonisation. The authors deliver six concrete suggestions on how to better exercise the EU’s regulatory power by intertwining regulatory and trade policies.

This seminar will present the six suggestions and provide a platform of discussion between two other distinguished experts; Elizabeth Goldberg (Former Director of Smart Regulation in the European Commission’s Secretariat-General) and Alan Beattie (World trade editor at the Financial Times). The audience will also be invited to share their perspectives and contribute to the open discussion.

Date: 26 Oct 2021 / 15:30 – 17:00 (CET)
Platform: Zoom

Speakers list:
– Host: Andrea Renda, Senior Research Fellow and Head of Global Governance, Regulation, Innovation & Digital Economy, CEPS
– Ignacio Garcia Bercero, Director at the Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission (DG TRADE)
– Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Professor of International Relations and Director of the Center for International Studies at Oxford University
– Alan Beattie, World trade editor of the Financial Times
– Elizabeth Golberg, Former Director of Smart Regulation in the European Commission’s Secretariat-General
– Steven Blockmans, Director, CEPS

Be a part of the discussion and help us better understand the EU’s future role in global governance!

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This seminar is co-organised by CEPS and the European University Institute (EUI) as part of the TRIGGER project (TRends In Global Governance and Europe’s Role), which is led by CEPS and funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.

[1] GARCIA BERCERO, Ignacio; NICOLAIDIS, Kalpyso: The Power Surplus: Brussels Calling, Legal Empathy and the Trade-Regulation Nexus (2021)