The workshop on Relation Between EU and Global Governance was conducted by Gaby Umbach and Andrea Renda and had the primary objective to present the achievements of the project until the moment, meaning to present the datasets that are under construction and how is the foreseen structure for those data to be presented and published. The workshop had 29 participants.
Taking stock of the diversity of instruments, regimes, processes and partnerships applied and evolution over time, the datasets consist of governance arrangements on three main levels: global, intercontinental, and regional integration. Research for the dataset and the data collection have yet confirmed that also regional level governance arrangements can prove interesting for the analysis as they oftentimes represent parallel arrangements inspired by the global level that further strengthen the existing global governance approaches. The dataset consists of three layers:
- Global Governance Arrangements: A qualitative dataset with a total of 167 entries – 35 international organisations with global membership reach and 132 subordinated agencies, units, funds, programmes, etc. – was manually collected. Starting from the United Nations System and focussing on the four identified areas of TRIGGER deep dives, UN organs, departments and offices, subsidiary bodies, regional commissions, related organisations, specialised agencies, fund and programmes, other entities as well as intergovernmental organisations were taken into account.
- Intercontinental Governance Arrangements: A qualitative dataset with a total of 49 entries – 33 intergovernmental organisations with membership reaching over more than one continent and 16 subordinated units, funds, programmes, etc. – was manually collected. Starting from the United Nations List of Intergovernmental and Other Organisations and focussing on the four identified areas of TRIGGER deep dives, intergovernmental organisations, intercontinental unions, development banks, special purpose and regional commissions; communities, systems, agencies and many other formats were taken into account.
- Regional Integration Governance Arrangements: A qualitative dataset with a total of 28 entries – 15 regional economic and political integration communities with membership on one continent and 13 subordinated units, funds, programmes, etc. – was manually collected. Starting from the United Nations List of Intergovernmental and Other Organisations and focussing on the four identified areas of TRIGGER deep dives, Political and Economic Unions as well as Integration Communities were taken into account.
The datasets are part of a tool to be finalised and published by TRIGGER project called AGGREGATOR: xxx
AGGREGATOR will be available at the GlobalStat platform ( and at TRIGGER website.
Going further, colleagues from CEPS, Ahmad Wali and Moritz Laurier have present their work in building the dataset on International Regulatory Cooperation. Several datasets on different types of cooperation were collected in order to create a better understanding of the different types of regulatory cooperation and on the EU’s position in global governance. These datasets will be the basis for TRIGGER’s future analyses of the EU’s effectiveness and actorness in global governance. Four datasets have been collected:
- Free Trade Agreements and Regional Trade Agreements: (a) A qualitative dataset of 36 EU trade agreements was manually collected. Manual collection included standardised information from official sources, but also additional qualitative data such as the objective of the agreement. (b) A quantitative dataset of 2,737 International Agreements was scraped from the Eur-Lex website.
- Bilateral Investment Agreements: The dataset contains meta-data on 1,426 bilateral investment agreements.
- Mutual Recognition Agreements: The dataset contains meta-data and additional qualitative data on 7 exemplary mutual recognition agreements.
- Transnational Private Regulation: (a) A qualitative dataset was collected manually to provide an overview of 9 exemplary transnational private regulatory regimes. (b) A quantitative dataset of 452 private standards was scraped from the ITC standards map.
In addition, Klaus Jacob from FUB presented the TRIGGER Actorness Model that aims at helping the understanding of the relationships between the different dimensions, operationalizing actorness in this way and testing the model for selected policy areas will be the next steps of the project. The model is shortly explained in the most recent blog post: